Two weeks, at Balse.

Some Sartre docs, enter conciseness. 

A lot of times you will learn that Sartre is incoherent, Sartre has betrayed himself, ah, Sartre has been with the Communist, without the Communist. He misunderstood this misunderstood that. He made mistakes and this and that…. I don’t think that is very important. It’s an attitude. It’s ‘do not take anything for granted. Criticize it. Attack. Find your own way.’  uh…he would say something wonderful, he would say ‘I THINK AGAINST MYSELF’.   You have to think against everything which has been given to you by education. You have to criticize every single thing which is being given to you. 

Jean-Paul Sartre: The Road to Freedom (Human All Too Human) - BBC

Annie Cohen-Solal, Biographer

Sartre spent his life testing the limits of traditional thinking but at the heart of this philosophy is one deceptively simple question, ‘if human beings are truly free to do anything they want how are we to live our lives?’ Sartre never did find a convincing answer to this question, but he was never less than unflinchingly honest with the attempt. 

Continued the journey with the encounter with Vitesse X, nyc.

Vitesse X - Us Ephemeral

Vitesse X - Right Now 

Vitesse X - Activation

A drive to Century City, Wim Wenders,  PERFECT DAYS, first theater in 2024. 

Now to revisit Wenders’ past films. 

YOUR WORK AS GIFT. Contribution to the world. 

Then, there was, a Crayon

          Da$H - "HAD TO LIVE IT"


Old school? Pop, dance.  TDJ -  Enfin c'est ici que ☀️ Sous les rayons incandescents ☁️ D'un monde plastiquement parfait ☀️ Où les rêves ne sont pas que des rêves mais bien des réalités ☁️ Dans cet univers vêtu de charme se trouve 

TDJ - Lalala (Want Somebody)

TDJ - Open Air (feat. fknsyd)

Are these the same people? non so, random encounters. Or probably not random. 


Sainté - Compare

And entering the world of Daniil Trifonov - Coming up on the 25th, at Disney Hall, LA PHIL, Brahms Piano Concerto no. 2, conducted by Malikki

All connected. Design and culture. Diversity of culture. Subcultures. 

Eastern & Western Design: How Culture Rewires The Brain

Rabbits eat carrots. Cross-culture collaborations. Inventing the concept of nature, Greeks. St. Augustine. Language. 

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis - the very words you use can influence the world view

Complex nuanced issues. 

The absurd hero, the lens of humor

To be experienced. Not to be riddled. 

I am unknowing. 

Life can only be understood backwards, but it must lived forward - Søren Kierkegaard 

Torstoy, Kurosawa, Living.

Hedonistically, love, finding your own meaning. Worth. 

Sense of meaning.

Starting to get into Fashion philosophy  - Martin Margiela: In His Own Words

Deeper than clothes

till next time.

Charles A. Balse



Words of Wisdom


    LESSON 19

    TUTOR: Thomas Lawson

    Page 178

  • Artists notice stuff - the way things come together or fall apart, the telling detail or overlooked ruin, the tell-tale gesture. To be an artist, you have to train yourself to pay attention to the world in which you live, constantly looking for clues, always aware of your surroundings. Make notes, try observational drawing or taking photographs, study how things are made. There is no one method here. The task is to find a way to notice the details that make sense to you, the details that will open your eyes to content.

  • This is why so many of us get pissed off with lazy thinking that equates making art to expressing feelings. Too often, this simply means the equivalent of throwing a tantrum and nobody cares to see that. If you are interested in expressing emotion, you have to examine that emotion, find its source, calibrate how best to represent it. The most successful expressionist art is always coldly calculating. 

  • A good artist pays attention to the world she finds herself in which includes the political and moral dimensions of that world. Making straight-up political work is difficult, and most attempts fail. They come across as simple-minded or strident; worse, they are usually so tied to a particular moment that they are irrelevant within a couple of months. But work that is grounded in a specific set of observations, developed through appropriately considered and handled techniques, will always speak to an understanding of relationships, and thus to society.



Main Studies





ClassicAsobi recommends

This section features content recommended from the NYC based ClassicAsobi and his team, specializing in classical music.






Two weeks, at Balse.

precious, is time to yourself

if you can be true to yourself

that is

we all know this

so the question becomes


how do you

how can I


true to myself

and what is true?

this work

of art

that is

to think freely

think deeply

to study vastly.


The fashionable kind Kali Uchis - ¿Cómo Así?



NNHMN - Hungrige Liebe

researching - REI KAWAKUBO - COMME des GARCONS

The Intersection Of Fashion And Performance Art.

what is conceptual art, on bbc? - WHOS AFRAID OF CONCEPTUAL ART | BBC DOCUMENTARY | 2016 HD

the proper, KOMPAKT - Heiko Voss - Talking Man (Ada Mix) - Kompakt

the very proper - COMPUTER DATA-healing

magic man - NNHMN

the lovely- Isaac Delusion — Let her go ft. LUCASV

is it to live gut feeling?

in a way?

sound, a fascinating thing

place, to place day to day,

change, in the same old way

spend time, some life, tries to catch the shade….

recording memories,

till next time.

Charles A. Balse



Words of Wisdom

  • History of Modern Art, seventh edition, H.H. Arnason Elizabeth C. Mansfield, Chapter 1, page 4

    The emphasis on emulation as opposed to novelty begun to lose ground toward the end of the eighteenth century when a new weight was given to artistic invention. Increasingly, invention was linked with imagination, that is to say, with the artist’s unique vision, a vision unconstrained by academic practice and freed from the pictorial conventions that had been obeyed since the Renaissance. This new attitude underlies the aesthetic interests of Romanticism. Arising in the last years of the eighteenth century and exerting its influence well into the nineteenth, Romanticism exalted humanity's capacity for emotion. In music, literature, and the visual arts, Romanticism is typified by an insistence on subjectivity and novelty. Today, few would argue that art is the simply the consequence of creative genius. Romantic artists and theorists, however, understood art to be the expression of and individual’s will to create rather than a product of particular cultural as well as personal values. Genius, for the Romantics, was something possessed innately by the artist: It could not be learned or acquired. To express genius, then, the Romantic artist had to resist academic emulation and instead turn inward, toward making pure imagination visible. The British painter and printmaker William Blake (1757-1827) typifies this approach to creativity.


    LESSON 18

    TUTOR: Chris Kraus

    Page 170

    Whereas modernism believed that the artist’s life held all the magic keys to reading works of art, neo-conceptualism has cooled this off and corporatized it. The artist’s own biography doesn’t matter much at all. What life? The blanker the better. The life experience of the artist, if channeled into the artwork, can only impede art’s neo-corporate, neo-Conceptual purpose. It is the biography of the institution that we want to read. 

    Reviewing dOCUMENTA (13) in New York Magazine, Jerry Saltz coins the term ‘Post Art’ to describe work that ‘doesn’t even see art as separate from living…things that aren’t artworks so much as they are about the drive to make things that, like ar, embed imagination in material and grasp that creativity is a cosmic force…A chemist or a general may be making Post Art every day at the office.”



Main Studies





ClassicAsobi recommends

This section features content recommended from the NYC based ClassicAsobi and his team, specializing in classical music.