Frei aber froh, Marlboro Musicians at New York on 2.21.2025. Young and veteran who participated in the Chamber Music Festival in Summer Marlboro, Vermont, held a recital at Weill Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall. The opening piece, Schumann's Fairy Tale, written in 1853, the year before Schumann attempted suicide due to mental disorders, features the clarinet's warm, gentle staccato and breeze-like trills, the viola sounds like insects calling, and the piano's tone is like a fortepiano like Marlboro's pastoral. Kurtág's Homage to Schumann (1990), depicts the two personalities of Schumann, Eusebius, and Florestan, who were schizophrenic, and the same piano, viola, and clarinet trio performed an entirely different that connected irregularly with vague legato. It's like gazing silently at the sunlight streaming in through the window reflected on the wall. Suddenly, a loud commotion overturns the things carefully arranged on the table. Schumann's Florestan. Lips trembling, intense excitement. A stunning space art of inorganic and delicate sound for just under 10 minutes. Nothing crossed my mind. I enjoyed the distorted and instinctive sound space in the steady piano tempo. In Schumann's String Quartet No. 2, four different musicians played. In the first movement, two violins exchanged one theme, and an enchanting andante, an athletic scherzo, and a bouncy dance continued. The last piece was a clarinet quintet by Brahms, 50 years after Schumann's string quartet. It consists of five movements and lasts for 30 minutes. The first violin, Maria Ioudenitch's deep lyricism on a fresh and large scale, like a mountain stream flowing down the slope. Her muted voice on Adagio, reminded Tchaikovsky's concerto. I checked her schedule and then found Tchaikovsky's concerto on her agenda. Through rich and fresh performances, I felt her Russian blood's deep and rich musicality and pure vitality. They saw possibilities, new beginnings, and connections, cultivated perspectives across ages and ethnicities, and freely pursued and conveyed what they found most meaningful and beautiful in music.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Sang Yoon Kim, Clarinet
Maria Ioudenitch, Violin
Stephanie Zyzak, Violin
Hiroki Kasai, Viola
Natalie Loughran, Viola
Peter Stumpf, Cello
Evren Ozel, Piano
Märchenerzählungen [Fairy Tales], Op. 132 (1853)
1.Lebhaft, nicht zu schnell
2.Lebhaft und sehr markirt
3.Ruhiges Tempo, mit zartem Ausdruck
4.Lebhaft, sehr markirt
Sang Yoon Kim, Natalie Loughran, Evren Ozel
Hommage à R. Sch., Op. 15/d (1990)
1. (merkwürdige Pirouetten des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler): Vivo [(remarkable pirouettes of music-master Johannes Kreisler)]
2. (E.*: der begrenzte Kreis ...): Molto semplice, piano e legato [*E. = Eusebius] [(Eusebius: the perfect circle...)]
3. (... und wieder zuckt es schmerzlich F.* um die Lippen...): Feroce, agitato
[*F. = Florestan]
[(.. and again there is a painful twitching about Florestan's lips...)]
4. (Felhő valék, már süt a nap...) (töredék-töredék): Calmo, scorrevole
[(The clouds are gone, the sun is already shining...) (Fragment-Fragment)]
5. In der Nacht: Presto
[In the night]
6. Abschied (Meister Raro entdeckt Guillaume de Machaut): Adagio, poco andante [Farewell (Master Raro discovers Guillaume de Machaut)]
Sang Yoon Kim, Natalie Loughran, Evren Ozel
R. SCHUMANN String Quartet in F Major, Op. 41, No. 2
BRAHMS Clarinet Quintet in B Minor, Op. 115
おとぎ話 Op. 132(1853)
オマージュ・ア・R. Sch.、作品番号15/日 (1990)
1. (音楽の巨匠ヨハネス・クライスラーの見事なピルエット): Vivo [(音楽の巨匠ヨハネス・クライスラーの見事なピルエット)]
2. (E.*: 限られた円...): 非常にシンプル、ピアノとレガート [*E. = エウセビウス] [(エウセビウス: 完全な円...)]
3. (...そして再びF.*の唇が痛々しく痙攣する...): 激しく、興奮して
[*F. = フロレスタン]
4. (雨が降って、とても疲れた...) (ゆっくり静かに): 落ち着いて、落ち着いて
5. 夜の中で: プレスト
6. 別れ(ラロ師匠がギヨーム・ド・マショーを発見):アダージョ、ポコ・アンダンテ [別れ(ラロ師匠がギヨーム・ド・マショーを発見)]
Schumann’s Op41-2
1st half setting
Wish she connect Russian musican and music that I miss after Ukrein war
Stephanie and Maria’s autographs