Vienna Philharmonic and Muti's Carnegie Hall concert, the 3rd day began with Mozart's last symphony, K511, written in the same C as Schubert the previous day. The first movement has bold suspensions (rests) like Baroque works. Muti plays everything in tempo. Every repetition is repeated. The flute and oboe's unison shined, the strings' graceful melody line, and the tutti in the second theme let us feel the cheerful Italian mood. Their Mozart had a grander scale than the Bruckner on the first day, even though fewer people performed. The second movement, Cantabile. The trembling gentleness of the muted (con sordini) strings. I felt the delicate vibration of the vibrato behind the melody played by Honeck in front of me. I saw the true nature of Vienna, which plays a unique style that is different from other orchestras. It was spun out as a golden tone from the strings' vibration, which were as smooth as flour. In a New York Times review, Zachary Wolf wrote about the final movement's fugue, "He and the Philharmonic had provided a more moving vision of an ideal society, during the great fugue in the finale of the “Jupiter” Symphony. As each section enters, its fragility feels protected by the others. The ensemble builds and builds, coalescing into the sound of many different voices speaking at once: none drowned, the whole robust and free." The empathy that comes from the fact that Muti and the Vienna Philharmonic have continued to play by their best ability from the very first day, even it is difficult—the powerful, vital, graceful, hearty, and brilliant sound. Mozart's music was born from the fusion of local customs that arose during the Euro-globalization in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the Vienna Philharmonic was also founded in the 1840s. The Carnegie audience had different nationalities in each seat, even in the same row. And they were enveloped in the grandeur of Mozart, comparable to Bruckner and Mahler, born from the sympathy of the assertive Vienna. This is global. We experienced the true globalization they have achieved by coming to America every year. The second half was Dvorak's last symphony. I couldn't forget the grandeur of Jupiter until the end of the first movement, but when the English horn chorale in the second movement ended and the string tremolo began, I had no choice but to surrender to the world that emerged in my mind. The last two bars of the second movement were “Molto Adagio” that only Muti could do. I heard the audience behind me whisper that they "can't stand" the extreme suspense. The New World was written by Czech Dvorak in New York in 1892. Now, 25 years after coming to America, as a member of the Carnegie audience, I empathized with the American spirit played by the Italian maestro and Vienna Orchestra. I have never been interested in knowing the inside of their hearts, but for the first time, I could immerse myself in America's roots. The story that dwells in the sound they play, the hearts of the audience, Vienna, and Muti overlapped for a few minutes. Carnegie was silent. In this way, the souls that people have connected, the familiar voice that sleeps in our hearts of humanity worldwide, are recalled by Muti and Wiener Philharmoniker.
ウィーン・フィルとムーティのカーネギー公演の3日目は前日のシューベルトと同じCで書かれたモーツアルト最後の交響曲K511で始まった。1楽章はバロック作品のような大胆なサスペンション(休符)を伴う。ムーティは全部インテンポ。繰り返しは全部繰り返す。フルートとオーボエのユニゾンが輝く。弦楽器の優雅なメロディライン。第二テーマのバイオリンのトゥッティはイタリアの陽気な歌心を含んでいる。クラシック音楽の中でモーツアルトを聴くことは多いが、初日のブルックナーよりも実際に演奏する人の数は少ないのにより壮大なスケールだった。2楽章のカンタービレ。ミュートがかかった(con sordini)弦楽器の震えるようなやさしさ。目の前のホーネックが奏でるメロディの奥のビブラートのきめ細かな振動を感じてしまった。他のオーケストラと違う独特の演奏をするウィーンの正体を見てしまった。それは小麦粉の様にサラサラした弦が擦れる振動が黄金の音色となって紡ぎだされていた。終楽章のフーガについてニューヨークタイムスのレビューでザッカリー・ウルフはこう書いた、「大フーガで、理想の社会のより感動的なビジョンを披露していた。各セクションが始まると、その脆さは他のセクションによって守られているように感じる。アンサンブルはどんどん盛り上がり、一度に多くの異なる声が語りかける音に融合する。どれもかき消されることなく、全体が力強く自由である。」
”He and the Philharmonic had provided a more moving vision of an ideal society, during the great fugue in the finale of the “Jupiter” Symphony. As each section enters, its fragility feels protected by the others. The ensemble builds and builds, coalescing into the sound of many different voices speaking at once: none drowned, the whole robust and free.”
Mozart – Symphony No.41 in C major, K.551, ‘Jupiter’
Allegro vivace
Andante cantabile
Menuetto: Allegretto – Trio
Molto allegro
Dvořák – Symphony No.9 in E minor, Op.95, ‘From the New World’
Adagio - Allegro molto, 2
Scherzo: Molto vivace – Poco sostenuto
Finale: Allegro con fuoco
Encore: Johann Strauss II – Overture to Der Zigeunerbaron
Wiener’s principals and Muti
2 of the Last works by Muti. He must come back in anyhow.